Our Chorus
Vocal Confluence is a Pittsburgh all-voice barbershop chorus that represents the Pittsburgh Metro Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Our rapidly-growing a cappella singing group is committed to musical excellence, whether that be barbershop, jazz, traditional choral, and contemporary a cappella styles. Our members have a variety of backgrounds and interests, and includes software developers, healthcare providers, engineers, and teachers, among others. Our members are also participants in various other choirs and singing groups throughout the Pittsburgh community, bringing a wide range of talent and musical experience to the chorus.
We are a 2024 BHS International chorus competitor, as well as the 2024 Johnny Appleseed District Grand Champion Chorus. We will also be competing in Denver at the Barbershop Harmony Society 2025 International Convention.
We pride ourselves not only in our musical product, but also our community. We fully embrace the “Everyone in Harmony” initiative introduced by the Barbershop Harmony Society in 2018.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Member Testimonials
“The quality of music that this group produces is just incredible. You can tell that everyone is dedicated to their craft, despite the majority of us not being professional musicians. The energy that you can feel after a successful performance or show is palpable. Even so, we are constantly striving to improve, and that commitment to musical excellence is highly gratifying.”
“I spent several years with the men’s chorus, the Steel City Harmonizers, and thoroughly enjoyed being a part of that ensemble. I was also a part of the transition from men’s to both men’s and mixed choruses and finally to the all-voice Vocal Confluence. I love the music we sing, the barbershop-style arrangements, and even the non-barbershop pieces. I love performing with the chorus and sometimes get choked up by the experience of just being in a chorus that sings at this level. Our director is SO energetic, and his enthusiasm is catching. Our board and the others in positions of responsibility are very committed to our chorus and its being great and successful.”
“Walking into the chorus, I’ve found that everyone is welcome. My experience has shown that chorus members are not only friends with me but my wife as well. I’ve seen that there is a family aspect to the chorus, not just between the singers but their partners, spouses and children. My wife and I enjoy attending the events and outings throughout the year that allow these bonds of friendship to be nourished and strengthened. ”
“It has been wonderful to grow and learn as a singer alongside my friends. Hearing and feeling the improvements has been some of the most incredibly satisfying musical experiences of my life.”
“There was a time when I had just lost my job after 18 years of working with the same company. VC members have supported and encouraged me as I’ve mourned that loss and found and moved on from other jobs since then. The leadership has always talked about creating a safe space where I can explore my emotions and their connections with the songs we’re singing. I’ve experienced that safe space, and that’s done wonders for my overall sense of well-being.”
“When I joined the Steel City Harmonizers it was a small men’s Barbershop chorus that had a lot of potential. After a few changes with different directors we gave the helm to Brandon Rauch. Since that time Steel City became Vocal Confluence and many positive things started happening. We now excel as a great all-voices chorus and I believe there is no limit to where this chorus can go because of it’s strong vision and solid leadership.”